Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Bill Clinton did the same as Trump. Yet No Trial?? Paid hush money. Hypocrites ....


Putin, Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping are Purging their 

Political opponents. 

Bill Clinton did the same as Trump. ....No trial though ???? 

Democrats are ruining America.  Crime sky high. 

Border wide open with money for Illegals. More Votes.

Dems cities crime highest of anywhere. 

Biden and News Media care nothing about Bill Clinton's affairs. 

Bull.   ....Double Standards.  

God help America. 

With Biden there will be more Wars. 

China will invade Taiwan if Biden is Re-Elected. 

Then America will be at War with China. 

Many Americans will die. 

Best think it through. 

*Cost of Food and Gas. 

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