Saturday, December 30, 2023

 Help one another as we always have.

#KindnessMatters #helpinghand

  Proud & Grateful American 🇺🇸 

Friday, December 29, 2023

Angry Young Black QUEEN SCRATCHES Employee's Face, Arrested Over Repo


the sad part about it is if it was up to her she would let that man go to
jail lying on him . She needs to be charged with assault and disorderly

She's a whole damn liar

Young Black QUEEN DESTROYS $10,000 In Airport Equipment. Drunk mom.

Come on man. Typical Drunk. 

Thursday, December 21, 2023

  It’s really amazing how many people think slavery only existed in

the American south between white owners and black slaves. Slavery

goes back as far as the human race has been in existence, there is

not one race of people, white, black, brown, orange or purple

that has not been enslaved; and generally they were enslaved

by people of their own race. Slavery did not grow out of racism

racism grew out of slavery.


Whites were Slaves also. Everyone's Ancestors in Human History were Slaves.

Schools do not teach the whole truth. 

Every Ethnicity has been a slave throughout History.  

Imagine how United we would be if, if we had just 

been taught the truth from the beginning!!!! 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

WHY SCHOOLS DIDN'T TEACH THIS?! TRUTH about the White Slave Trade

Imagine how united we would be IF, if we had JUST been
taught the TRUTH from the beginning!

Sunday, December 17, 2023

 Quit being discouraged because something didn’t work out the way you wanted. Don’t live frustrated because somebody left that you wanted to stay, a door closed that you wanted open. God knows what He’s doing. He has your best interest at heart.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

 Our Father,

who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.


Friday, December 15, 2023

 Never let your past experiences harm your future. Your past can't be altered and your future doesn't deserve the punishment.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Destroyers Defend Commercial Ships Against Houthi Attacks. US Navy.

I was a surface WTI instructor at NSMWDC Dahlgren for three years.
This is exactly why the surface WTI program was created. That area
of the world is easily THE most challenging environment for operating
the SPY-1 radar, and all graduates of that program learn all the lessons
learned from the previous Houthi attacks on USN ships in the Red Sea.

BREAKING: 'Blatant Corruption': Byron Donalds Absolutely Hammers Biden

Sunday, December 3, 2023

 Living worried, frustrated, and disappointed takes your energy. It steals your joy, and it can keep you from seeing God’s favor. Sometimes, the disappointments, the closed doors are simply a test. God wants to see if we’ll trust Him when we don’t understand.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

 Keep a smile on your face; keep a song in your heart; keep the passion in your spirit. Don’t drag through the day disappointed. This is the day the Lord has made. He’s on the throne. Choose to be grateful.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

"Non Binary" DUI Driver FREAKS OUT When She's MISGENDERED By COP!

This is sickening. This person could have killed someone while driving
drunk, and it's worried about pronouns. Unfreakingbelievable. 🙄    

That cop did such a fantastic job of staying cool, being direct and
trying to be respectful. Good job sir!

Thursday, November 9, 2023


How "Killer Chick" Got Her Battle-Damaged A-10 Home

SUCH modesty, intelligence, bravery and skill . . . her family has
SO much to be proud of!! Congratulations KC on a great career!!

Badass pilot doesn’t begin to describe this young lady. As a troop
on the ground in 2004 in Iraq, thank you so much. The A-10 is
truly the Infantryman’s Angel.

KC is a bad a** chick. Heck of a Pilot. 

Much respect. 

The Real Truth About the Battle of Leyte Gulf

Monday, November 6, 2023

Best of the History Guy: Destroyers and Destroyer Escorts

Duck(t) Tape: The World's Most Useful Tool.

Deep Intel on Israel's Offensive Into Gaza

This was the most level-headed and comprehensive rundown
on the conflict that I’ve heard to-date. Hat’s off.

Finally, facts and not sensationalism. This is how the mainstream
media should be. Ward is more informative of what’s really going
on than any news show. Thank you Ward.

I'm so glad people like Ward exist. Able to just provide a cool, concise,
and unbiased approach to such an enflamed issue, in a mature and
informative way. We need a lot more people like you sir. Thank you

That was a great historical and military analysis of the entire situation
in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria. I know that that took a trememndous
amount of work to prepare and I would only hope that your channel gets
viewed by many more parties over the coming days. Great job.

Secrets of the F-14 Pilot Who Inspired TOP GUN

Sunday, November 5, 2023

 God will always have the right people that will be for you. The ones that matter will see the best in you. They’ll want to stand up for you and help you move into your purpose. You don’t have to find them; they’ll find you.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

TRUTH about the Irish - First slaves brought to the Americas - Forgotten...

Not only is a Morgan Freeman a brilliant actor, but he is straight
shooter who tells it like it is. And Thomas Sowell is an American

Great video, very informative.

You know man, the process of waking up to the fact that we have
all been lied to can be really painful. Race is just one of the dividing
tactics that we've been conditioned with to stop us from loving and
being good to each other. It really goes both way. Painting one group
as "the other", or painting our own group as "the hero" or "the victim"
is just a way to divide us.

Deep Intel on the Amphibious Ready Group Near the War

Deep Intel on the US F-16 Strike into Syria

Mr. Carroll, I hope you realize that you provide some of the
absolute highest quality content and reporting of any
individual or organization out there. That is just a fact. Thank you for doing what you do!

US Navy Destroyer Stops Yemen Missile Bound for Israel.

Thank you Ward for the updates on the US Navy. Your
reporting is extremely valuable to everyone who watches
your channel.

US Navy saving lives in Israel.

Navy Seal also engage.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Liberals MELTDOWN After King of Jordan GOES FULL TRUMP and SHUTS DOWN The Border.


I wish our people would WAKE UP, and see the wisdom of closing the borders.

Borders ought to be closed immediately in America. There is literally no excuse to argue against this. This should be a zero tolerance thing right
Smart!!!! Keep speaking the truth Officer Tatum. Trump MAGA 2024.

We are letting in people that hate us and our way of life.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

 If you’ll start praying, “God, come in. Let me feel Your presence; show me Your greatness” then you’ll have peace that passes understanding, hope when you should be distraught, joy when you could be discouraged.

 White slavery began between the 15th and 19th centuries. Between 1530 and 1780, between 1 million and 1.25 million white, European Christians were enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary Coast. Barbary pirates captured these Europeans and sold them as slaves in North Africa and the Ottoman Empire. 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

 The Scripture says, “Looking away from all that will distract, to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” God is the author. He breathed life into you. He chose you to be here. He gave you a purpose, an assignment, something to accomplish.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Real Life Superheroes Caught On Camera...


Wesley Hunt Rips Into Biden. Border Crisis.

Wesley Hunt is an American treasure.

This guy is such an example of what a Leader is!!!

Good Samaritan Helps Pregnant Officer Take Fleeing Suspect Into Custody

Thank you Good Samaritan for helping this police officer.

This is what is happening all over the US. Crazy drivers

running Redlights and stop signs. Not nearly enough Police

Officers because Media, Biden, Woke, BLM, antifa,

Democrats, ect.,

Demonized all Officers. .. Innocent lives being taken.

Next time you hear someone say," Where are the Police??"

They quit remember. Retired. Changed careers.

Think it through before attacking all Officers.

Many people have died because people said," Defund the Police."

Democrats for you. Idiots..

Thursday, September 28, 2023

 Do something nice for your worst enemy. They don't expect that. Let them wonder what you're up to.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

 You have to let it go. This is a new day. God’s mercy is fresh every morning. Come into the present. Life is too short to hold on to hurts, live upset, focus on what they did wrong.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

BASED Black Jacksonville Sheriff GOES OFF On Race Baiting Liberal

Blaming an object is always easier than blaming oneself.
This is 100% spot on. We need to stop blaming the object
and blame the subject.

Mass Shootings you never hear about. Brown on Brown -
no news.

Thank you Officer Tatum and the Jacksonville Sheriff speaking
the truth. People who want to do evil will find a way.

I'm so sick of the race narrative.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Don’t fault people that can’t see what you can see. God will put things in your spirit that your parents, your relatives, the people around you can’t fathom. You’re going to set a new standard. You’re going to accomplish dreams bigger than they’ve imagined.

Friday, September 8, 2023


The fact that any American approves of Biden is insane!!!

Americans citizens loves and wants President Trump. That's it.

Joy is nothing but a cheerleader for the Democrats and she’s
gaslighting Every chance she gets.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Employee Cuts Into His Own Earnings To Help Customer In Need

Family speaks out after hero pizza guy rescues children from burning hom...


Vivek Ramaswamy DESTROYS Al Sharpton Who PULLED RACE CARD Over Lack of Experience

Calling Al Sharpton a Reverend is like calling Hannibal Lector
a Sous Chef.

I wish Vivek would bring up how Rev. Al and Jesse Jackson
Publicly gave Mr. Trump an award for his work with the Inner City.

It's so funny that Sharpton never minded asking Trump for
money for his campaign and other pet projects that he needed

Thursday, August 31, 2023


100 Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You Cry! Best of October

Good people still exist. 

Faith in Kindness. 
Help one another as we always have. 

One Nation Under God.  Amen 

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Black Chicago Resident Exposes Why Walmart Left Chicago


How dare Walmart not accommodate those sweet little
shoplifters and rioters. Those criminals worked hard to
steal all that stuff. Btw, I love these twins.
They're hilarious.

Friday, August 25, 2023

This Is Why Businesses Are Leaving San Francisco

It's extremely sad. There are sooo many wonderful, beautiful,
loving, hard working, family oriented AFRICAN decedent people
who DON'T act this way! This terrible, shameful occurrence

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

  HEARTBREAKING: Young woman shares how she was tricked into cutting off her breasts & taking male hormones as a “trans” CHILD!

Surgeries on kids must be BANNED. PLS join the fight & sign petition to urge State legislators for laws to protect children 👉🏾

God help the morons who scared this poor girl and her 

parents into this, that if she didn't get this surgery she 

would harm herself.  

Leave our Children alone.  

 GEORGIA Fraud was the worst of all:

2,056 felons illegally voted 66,248 under 18 voted 2,423 weren’t registered at all 1,043 used a PO Box 4,926 voted past the reg. date 10,315 died before the election 395 voted in two states 15,700 moved out of state 40,279 changed county Trump and 18 others charged 41 counts for exposing election theft. These dark days in America #RicoAct #RICOForTrump

 As a father has compassion on his children,

so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him; for He knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust. Ps103:13-14

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Cop Gets Surprise Reunion with Man He Saved From Drowning 19 Years Ago


Navy pilots recall “unsettling” 2004 UAP sighting. 60 Minutes. Good stuff.

Very Interesting. 

It's either; UAP/UFO, China, Russian or Ours. 

IMHO .. These craft are in Navy and AF Test Areas for a reason.
To see how our Military responds. Reacts. What we think of them.
What better way to test a new craft than up against the best pilots
and Radar America has. IMHO .. knowing what I know of Secret
projects: X - 1, U - 2, SR - 71, F - 117, B - 2, etc., Except these are
This is Skunks work at its finest. IMHO

Comments below:

What more would you want, two highly trained Fighter Pilots who
speak about a UFO encounter... This must be the greatest evidence
that one needs to realise that there is something mysterious and
unexplained visiting us or lurking in our atmosphere.

When I was around 10yrs old, my family was traveling thru the Nevada desert at
night in our station wagon. I still remember looking out the side window, and seeing
this white light that was flying back and forth and up and down faster than anything
I'd ever seen...the only thing I could compare it to would be a fly in a house changing
directions in the blink of an eye. It reminds me of what this pilot is talking about.
Coincidentally, we're from San Diego and my dad was an aircraft mechanic in the

Thursday, July 27, 2023

 The tweet the Left doesn't want you to see!! 

Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump
I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!