Sunday, November 19, 2023

 Keep a smile on your face; keep a song in your heart; keep the passion in your spirit. Don’t drag through the day disappointed. This is the day the Lord has made. He’s on the throne. Choose to be grateful.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

"Non Binary" DUI Driver FREAKS OUT When She's MISGENDERED By COP!

This is sickening. This person could have killed someone while driving
drunk, and it's worried about pronouns. Unfreakingbelievable. 🙄    

That cop did such a fantastic job of staying cool, being direct and
trying to be respectful. Good job sir!

Thursday, November 9, 2023


How "Killer Chick" Got Her Battle-Damaged A-10 Home

SUCH modesty, intelligence, bravery and skill . . . her family has
SO much to be proud of!! Congratulations KC on a great career!!

Badass pilot doesn’t begin to describe this young lady. As a troop
on the ground in 2004 in Iraq, thank you so much. The A-10 is
truly the Infantryman’s Angel.

KC is a bad a** chick. Heck of a Pilot. 

Much respect. 

The Real Truth About the Battle of Leyte Gulf

Monday, November 6, 2023

Best of the History Guy: Destroyers and Destroyer Escorts

Duck(t) Tape: The World's Most Useful Tool.

Deep Intel on Israel's Offensive Into Gaza

This was the most level-headed and comprehensive rundown
on the conflict that I’ve heard to-date. Hat’s off.

Finally, facts and not sensationalism. This is how the mainstream
media should be. Ward is more informative of what’s really going
on than any news show. Thank you Ward.

I'm so glad people like Ward exist. Able to just provide a cool, concise,
and unbiased approach to such an enflamed issue, in a mature and
informative way. We need a lot more people like you sir. Thank you

That was a great historical and military analysis of the entire situation
in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria. I know that that took a trememndous
amount of work to prepare and I would only hope that your channel gets
viewed by many more parties over the coming days. Great job.

Secrets of the F-14 Pilot Who Inspired TOP GUN

Sunday, November 5, 2023

 God will always have the right people that will be for you. The ones that matter will see the best in you. They’ll want to stand up for you and help you move into your purpose. You don’t have to find them; they’ll find you.