Wednesday, May 8, 2013


              4 Men Died Including, 2  Ex-Navy Seals,  Because OBamas' Admin. 
            Dropped The Ball. Then They Pulled The Ol' Coverup Trick  ....  Great Guy ?! 

    OBama had to be called away from the golf course to take part in the final hours of the operation to get Osama bin Laden, but he forever wraps himself in the intelligence, patience and courage of the hundreds of brave Americans who really "got bin Laden". What a guy. 

Then, an American ambassador is missing, a consulate under fire, and Obama went to bed, never to be heard from the rest of the night. Four Americans died, among them two ex-SEALS who spent hours fighting off terrorists and waiting for help that never came. OBamas Administration failed to send help when there were assets / help nearby. These men fought  for more than 7 hours against Terrorist . Where in the Hell was The Their Help ?? Why did OBama withhold
Troops from coming to their aid ?!   7 Hours in a fire fight is a life time. With Sigonelle, Sicily, Rota, Spain, Cyprus and Crete Nearby there was help near enough to Save These Mens Lives. Special Forces Units Nearby Where Told To Stand-Down ?? OBama and Several others Should Be Held Accountable ... OBama Should Be Impeached ....     

Where was that brave Commander and Chief who advertises himself as the guy who "got bin Laden" over and over and over again?  Fast asleep with the phone off the hook. What a guy. 

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