Thursday, August 31, 2023


100 Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You Cry! Best of October

Good people still exist. 

Faith in Kindness. 
Help one another as we always have. 

One Nation Under God.  Amen 

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Black Chicago Resident Exposes Why Walmart Left Chicago


How dare Walmart not accommodate those sweet little
shoplifters and rioters. Those criminals worked hard to
steal all that stuff. Btw, I love these twins.
They're hilarious.

Friday, August 25, 2023

This Is Why Businesses Are Leaving San Francisco

It's extremely sad. There are sooo many wonderful, beautiful,
loving, hard working, family oriented AFRICAN decedent people
who DON'T act this way! This terrible, shameful occurrence

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

  HEARTBREAKING: Young woman shares how she was tricked into cutting off her breasts & taking male hormones as a “trans” CHILD!

Surgeries on kids must be BANNED. PLS join the fight & sign petition to urge State legislators for laws to protect children 👉🏾

God help the morons who scared this poor girl and her 

parents into this, that if she didn't get this surgery she 

would harm herself.  

Leave our Children alone.  

 GEORGIA Fraud was the worst of all:

2,056 felons illegally voted 66,248 under 18 voted 2,423 weren’t registered at all 1,043 used a PO Box 4,926 voted past the reg. date 10,315 died before the election 395 voted in two states 15,700 moved out of state 40,279 changed county Trump and 18 others charged 41 counts for exposing election theft. These dark days in America #RicoAct #RICOForTrump

 As a father has compassion on his children,

so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him; for He knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust. Ps103:13-14

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Cop Gets Surprise Reunion with Man He Saved From Drowning 19 Years Ago


Navy pilots recall “unsettling” 2004 UAP sighting. 60 Minutes. Good stuff.

Very Interesting. 

It's either; UAP/UFO, China, Russian or Ours. 

IMHO .. These craft are in Navy and AF Test Areas for a reason.
To see how our Military responds. Reacts. What we think of them.
What better way to test a new craft than up against the best pilots
and Radar America has. IMHO .. knowing what I know of Secret
projects: X - 1, U - 2, SR - 71, F - 117, B - 2, etc., Except these are
This is Skunks work at its finest. IMHO

Comments below:

What more would you want, two highly trained Fighter Pilots who
speak about a UFO encounter... This must be the greatest evidence
that one needs to realise that there is something mysterious and
unexplained visiting us or lurking in our atmosphere.

When I was around 10yrs old, my family was traveling thru the Nevada desert at
night in our station wagon. I still remember looking out the side window, and seeing
this white light that was flying back and forth and up and down faster than anything
I'd ever seen...the only thing I could compare it to would be a fly in a house changing
directions in the blink of an eye. It reminds me of what this pilot is talking about.
Coincidentally, we're from San Diego and my dad was an aircraft mechanic in the